8505 Hwy 72 at Pine Cliff Road, Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada
by car
GPS Coordinates: N 49° 52.097, W 092° 21.036
We are located 3 hours north of the Minnesota Border.
From Customs and Immigration at the border:
Turn right onto Church Street (82 ft)
Turn left at the first cross street onto Mowat Ave (397 ft)
Turn right at the first light onto 11 East (19.4 miles)
Turn Left onto 502 North (signs for Dryden) (94.7 miles)
Turn right onto 594 East (signs for Dryden) (5 miles)
Turn right onto 17 East (17.4 miles)
Turn left onto 72 North (signs for Sioux Lookout) (0.4 miles)
Turn left to continue on 72 North (15 miles)
Look for Pine Cliff sign on the right and turn right onto Pine Cliff Road (YOU’RE HERE)
Note: Google may not provide accurate directions. For best results use the info above. Drive carefully and look out for bear, moose and other wildlife.
by plane
Fly into Minneapolis, Minnesota and rent a car
(8 hours to the lodge).
$$ Option​S
Fly into International Falls, Minnesota and rent a car
(3 hours to the lodge). -
Fly into Thundery Bay, Ontario or Winnipeg, Manitoba and rent a car (about 4 hour drive to the lodge)
$$$ Option​
Fly directly to Dryden Regional Airport and rent a car or taxi to the lodge (35 miles).
If flying a commercial airline, commuter flights are available from Thunder Bay, Ontario or Winnipeg, Manitoba.
crossing the border
Make sure you have a valid (unexpired) U.S. Passport!
At the border, you will typically be asked three questions:
What is your purpose in visiting Canada? You’re going fishing!
Are you bringing alcohol into Canada? You are allowed one case of beer or 40 ounces of liquor per person, duty free. (An extra case of beer will incur about $13 duty and extra liquor will have an approximate duty of 150% depending upon alcohol content.)
Are you transporting firearms into Canada? If you are, declare them and remember – no handguns allowed!
Not allowed into Canada:
Stun guns
Mace or pepper spray
Radar detectors
Live bait such as minnows or leeches
Helpful Resources:
If you have a D.U.I., D.W.I. or felony, you may be denied entry into Canada. Learn More
what to pack
U.S. cash, traveler's checks, or cashier's check to pay balance of bill
UNEXPIRED Passport (have ready to present at border crossing), Ontario Fishing Outdoors Card and current Ontario fishing license
(buy online or in Dryden) -
Bath towel and wash cloth
Toiletries: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
Paper goods: paper towels, foil, ziplock bags, disposable plates/utensils if desired (toilet paper and Kleenex are provided)
Clothing for any temperature (hot or cold)
Rain gear and waterproof footwear
House slippers
Fishing gear and tackle
Food & beverage (for groceries in Dryden, stop at Walmart or Safeway)
Sunscreen and lip balm
Bug repellent
Hat or cap
fishing licenses
We do not sell fishing licenses at the lodge. You may purchase online or in Dryden before arriving at the lodge. Ontario also requires all anglers to purchase an Outdoors Card before purchasing a fishing license.
Where to buy/renew Outdoors Card and Fishing License:
By phone: 1-800-288-1155
In Dryden at Canadian Tire or QSL tackle
NOTE: When purchasing a fishing license, you may be asked which zone you are applying for. We are Zone 4.
At Pine Cliff, we practice conservation in order to protect fish populations for generations to come, as well as the valuable resource we have in Big Sandy Lake. For those looking to keep fish, possession limits are listed below.
conservation LICENSE
Northern Pike: 2 in possession under 27.5" | 27.5" and over are catch and release only
Smallmouth Bass: catch and release only
Lake Trout: 1 in possession, any size
Perch: 25 in possession
Whitefish: 6 in possession
Northern Pike: 4 in possession under 27.5" | 27.5" and over are catch and release only
Smallmouth Bass: catch and release only
Lake Trout: 2 in possession – 1 under 22" and 1 any size
Perch: 50 in possession
Whitefish: 12 in possession